Looking Glass for iPhone

iPhone with Looking Glass

iPhone with Looking GlassMinority Report-like data exchange like this?

“Looking Glass” concept has been introduced in the following posts:
Part1:”Future of Internet Search: Mobile version”
Part2:”Future of Mobile Internet Search: Applications”
Part3:”Look at What You Don’t See Through Glass”
Part4:”Future of Mobile Search for Diet”
Part5:”Future of Mobile Search- Search Beyond Time“
Part6:”Future of Mobile Search- Power of Visualization”

Part7:”Future of Mobile Search: Virtual Shopping #1″

Part8:”Speech Balloons for the Hearing-Impaired”

Mac Morph?

What amazed me most about the Morph concept by Nokia is that it came from Nokia itself, not by a daydreaming designer like me, meaning it’s quite promising.
I really like the material that is flexible enough to change its form. If that’s really possible,

Mac Morph?
first it could be used as a display,

Mac Morph?
second, fold it half and it could be used as a macbook pro,

Mac Morph?
and for some more other purposes,

Mac Morph?
it would be useful to read like a magazine,

Mac Morph?
and if it could be folded a few times, it could be an ipod.

Oh, am I daydreaming again?