Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: February 2010

There are many ways of going forward, but only one way of standing still.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Thanks for all the positive comments and requests for calendar wallpapers. Sorry I got late again.
I think I’ll add a few more variations this time on my Flickr later.


2560x1440px | 1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440×900px | 1024×768px | iPhone & iPod Touch (w/o calendar)

Clip Watch

I’ve been thinking about a watch I can put on my coat or bag, which tells me time when I need to know because when it’s cold, my watch is under the thick coat and is hard to take out.

By making it look like a button, it may go well with many kinds of outer wears.

Click the face once and it displays the time and date on the glass face for a few seconds. (I figure we usually don’t need to stare at a watch for a long time.)

Solar battery panels charges electricity for the display.

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: January 2010

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are.”
John Pierpont Morgan

Sorry I got late again.
A great quote. This makes me want to get out of a comfy place to challenge new things. So I designed a frosted window seen inside of a room. Let’s get out!


1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440x900px | 1024×768px | iPhone & iPod Touch (w/o calendar)

Infographic Coins

The round shaped coins must have a lot of benefits that other figures such as a triangle or a square don’t. Also, non-rounded coins may have many demerits. Aside from those, travelers and other people who are not accustomed to the currency would be able to easily remember how much each of these coins is (as long as she knows how to read pie charts).

Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: December 2009


1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440x900px | 1024×768px

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

This is one of my most favorite quotes of Einstein.
To me, the most common miracle I see every day is to see my kids, who wouldn’t have been born if I hadn’t met my wife. It’s a miracle to meet them among billions of souls.

By the way, I’m sorry for posting this one so late. I was busy getting things back to normal after the trip to Singapore, where I attended the awarding ceremony of red dot design concept. I posted some photos I took in Singapore on my Flickr, so check them out.

One more apology: the november calendar has the “31st”, which must not exist. Sorry!


I like Fandi Meng‘s great “Sunny Flower” concept very much and was inspired a lot by the design.


It’s a solar charger for an iPhone. Based on Fandi’s design, I made it work also as an iPhone stand.


petals colored with different lightness


See animation at Vimeo.

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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.


This is a very weird looking CD player. It looks like a head of a duck when a CD is set. (Why a CD player now you ask? I’ll write a post in Johnnyholland.)




There’s a round body that rolls and a black speaker. the speaker is attached to the body at its axis and it rolls around the body.

The functions are just play/pause/next/previous and volume up/down. To turn up the volume, you roll the body so that the “beak” opens up. When you turn it off, just let it stop quacking.



That’s it. I wouldn’t stop rolling it for a while I had it on my desk. And my kids would never leave there.




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This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Desktop Calendar Wallpaper: October 2009

Just in time.


1920x1200px | 1680x1050px | 1280x1024px | 1024x768px | iPhone&iPod Touch (without calendar)

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.”
Albert Camus

If I’m allowed to design stuff like what I show in this blog not only in my free time but all day long, I’ll definitely do it. Just wondering.

iPhone Dock Sketches


I use my iPhone at work and at home. When I’m at work in the office, I can’t make it ring loud when there’s an incoming phone call or an email, so I change the setting to the silent (vibration) mode. But when it vibrates on my desk, it makes even louder noise than a beep, so I was thinking if I could make something soft to put my iPhone on so that it doesn’t rattle when vibrating, and thought that a hammock style would be fun. It looks like your iPhone is relaxing on a hammock, so I added a parasol that works as a solar power battery charger. You open and flip the parasol in the sun to get electricity and close and fix it on the hammock to charge your iPhone.

Just for fun again.









Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a 3D screen that displays stereoscopic images of music visualizer and stocked photos when your iPhone is docked? It’s like a combination of my old ideas (snow globe screen and iAcqua).

3D screen and a speaker






Cover flow in the water flow?



This one tilts a bit when your iPhone is docked, making the speakers and the transparent screen float.
It tells you when there’s a phone call and an email by rocking from side to side.









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This work is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.