Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: October 2011

To have a great idea, have a lot of them.
Thomas A. Edison


2560×1600px | 2560×1440px | 1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440×900px

iPhone & iPod Touch (w/o calendar) 640x960px

iPad (w/o calendar)

I’ve got a few concept designs waiting to be published, but I haven’t had time to prepare the posts. Maybe one post in a few days I hope.

Desktop Calendar Wallpaper: September 2009


iPhone&iPod Touch | 1920x1200px | 1680x1050px

Sorry it took so much.
This is one of my favorite quotes that my teacher taught me when I was in 5th grade of elementary school. In Japanese it says like “No genius can compete with someone who’s making continuous efforts”. Since I knew that quote, I try to do what I want to be good at little by little but every single day.