Mr.Hollands Opus is one of my most favorite movies. I especially like this scene when he teaches how to play the clarinet.
“Play the sunset” he says to his student, who’s struggling to get the right tone. And that line is so memorable and inspiring that I just can’t forget.
I announced the beta launch of CaseMyWay Website the other day. Completely customisable cases. CaseMyWay provides an online platform for mobile phone and tablet users to achieve complete customization of their protective cases by creating or uploading their own, fully wrap-around images, from holiday snaps to original artwork, sporting moments to profile pics. Even Instagram, Flickr or Facebook images can be added.
You must have some beautiful photos on Instagram, Facebook etc. Put them together on CaseMyWay to create one original case for your phone!
The print quality is actually much much better than I expected thanks to the MT3 technology, embedding ink directly into the case itself. It is not a surface sticker and will not peel off or scrapeaway with daily use. And here are some photos of the cases of my design. Believe me, I did no photo-retouching.
CaseMyWay is starting with the most popular brands but eventually will offer personalized cases in different materials for every handheld device in popular use. The good news is after full launch in September, CaseMyWay will be offering fully customisable cases in different materials such asleather, neoprene (soft) and even wood with many more features and products, including MacBook cases!!!
“Makurano-Soshi” is an essay written by Sei-Shonagon, a little more than 1,000 years ago in Japan. The simple and succinct description of it impresses us with its deeply analyzed beauty in a daily life. The essay is referred to as one of the jewels of literature written in the Heian Period. It is so popular that almost all the Japanese people know it and are expected to learn it by heart, the first chart of the essay at school. Therefore, most of Japanese adults still remember at least the first few sentences.
This set of room lamps, “Akebono” has the concept of the beauty of the four seasons described by the writer of Makurano-Soshi.
“Akebono” or dawn in spring
“Yoru” or night in summer
“Yugure” or evening in autumn
“Tsutomete” or early morning in winter
Each of the beauty is crisply depicted with very impressive items found only in the season. There are four lamps with the same concepts in this set. The very reason of choosing these concepts is to bring what is happening outside into the house and to enable those most beautiful moments to be everlasting.
Essentially I tried to bring back:
the subtle feeling of happiness that is rarely felt in busy modern daily lives
the comfort you can get after long patience
Those feelings have long disappeared thanks to technologies that instantly satisfy out needs. I would be delighted if I could experience the same feeling by using the lamps.
“Akebono” floor lamp
Mountain Skyline at sunrise in Spring
春は、あけぼの。やうやう白くなりゆく山ぎは 少し明りて紫だちたる雲の細くたなびきたる。
“In spring, the dawn with mountain skylines gradually whitening along with thin lines of purple clouds floating in the sky.”
The mountain rim is expressed by the curved frame. It is lit by a gentle light behind it, just like a mountain at sunrise. In order to see the real view of this, you have to patiently wait for the sun rise in the cold.
It is a floor lamp used against or close to a wall. The light is thrown towards the wall behind it, so you can see the wall lit upwards, with the shade of a curved body. By using a few of this lamp put side by side, you can enjoy a panoramic view of mountains.
“Yoru” lamp stand
Full Moon on a Lake in Summer
“In summer, the night. Needless to say a full moonlit night.”
As can be easily imagined, this represents the moon. Seen from right in front of it, it looks just like the crescent, but you can also see “earthshine”, which is sunlight reflected from the earth, causing the dark side of the crescent dimly visible. It is also known as “the old moon in the new moon’s arms” and this bright and dark combination of the lights makes the moon even more beautiful.
This dark side of the lamp is made slightly transparent so that it lights up very dimly just like the earthshine. In the modern world it is rare to take time looking up at the moon, much less this dimly lit part of it, but in ancient Japan, it must have been very often watched and fully enjoyed. This lamp brings the precious evening moment to your room.
“Yugure” floor lamp
Autumn sunset melting into the earth
“In autumn, the evening of a sinking sun approaching very close to mountain lines.”
The sunset in autumn is as red as the sun can be. When it approaches the horizon, it looks like the sun is melting into the earth. With its shape like a half melting ball, this lamp embodies the beauty of the sunset at the same moment. The lamp shade is made of opaque acrylic, but towards the bottom, it gradually becomes transparent. With this shade, the light reaches far longer around the lamp than towards above, so when the lamp is lit, it looks as if the shining ball is sinking into the floor, leaving the floor around brightly lit. The other secret of this brightness is the curved cylinder shaped mirror under the light bulb in the shade, which efficiently reflects the light from the light bulb and throws back towards sides.
“Tsutomete” lamps
Charcoal Fire Warmth in early winter morning
“In winter, the early morning. Falling snow makes us speechless. It perfectly fits this season to see a whitest frost, or people hastening to carry charcoals with freshly built fires in the braziers.”
A brazier, which was widely used in ancient Japan in winter to warm up a room, has charcoals on it. The brightly but gently burning red and orange charcoal was the only warmth back then. The atmosphere it creates can never felt by a modern heater that instantly heats up to the temperature you adjust.
This lamp revives the reddish orange light just like a charcoal does: clumsily tinted in a corner as if it finally caught fire. now launches a web service that works in sync with its iPhone app. The iPhone app also has a major update to 1.4. I’ve been working fully for this project for the last couple of months as lead designer and that’s part of the reason I couldn’t update this blog lately (sorry!). I worked on every pixel on both iPhone and web app this time and all other things you can see of
Some of the features includes photo-import from Facebook & instagram on the website and see them categorized on a map on iPhone. ‘My Memo’ always tells you your saved locations with 1 tap. Every information is location based and shown graphically by location. So if you have lots of geotagged photos on Facebook/Instagram and are wondering how best to compile them by location, this is da bomb!