Mac Morph?

What amazed me most about the Morph concept by Nokia is that it came from Nokia itself, not by a daydreaming designer like me, meaning it’s quite promising.
I really like the material that is flexible enough to change its form. If that’s really possible,

Mac Morph?
first it could be used as a display,

Mac Morph?
second, fold it half and it could be used as a macbook pro,

Mac Morph?
and for some more other purposes,

Mac Morph?
it would be useful to read like a magazine,

Mac Morph?
and if it could be folded a few times, it could be an ipod.

Oh, am I daydreaming again?

3D Image Display and its potential

If there were a 3D display, even a very small one, it would be a lot of fun. The real object’s image could be easily and clearly seen from any angle, and what else has been difficult to be displayed with our conventional monitors could be done as a matter of course.
So, here’s my ideas of what could be done if I had an external small 3D display:

1) photo slide show: mac-like cool screen saver would be nice

3D Display showing photo slide show

2) calendar: good to have aside of my iMac when working ’cause it’s not distractive but helpful. Being able to pick a theme like ocean, forest, etc. would be cool.
3D Display showing 3D calendar

3) Google Earth: I just can’t wait to see the 3D building images moving! You have the real earth image in the box!
3D Image Display

4) 3D applications: could be handled much more easily.

3D Display showing Google Sketchup

Maybe it would be also possible to display a holographic image of a person you’re talking to on the phone.
What do you think? Give me other ideas.

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This work is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

“Mouse-Over” for Touch Screen

With your mouse, it’s pretty convenient when you move the cursor over an item to point it and sometimes it gives you a basic information about the object. Using my iPod Touch everyday, I’ve started to hope there’s the mouse-over function for it, too.In order to make it realize, there must be a more sensitive sensor to monitor the screen, but what I think is this.When you move your finger slightly above the screen, the object on the screen right below the finger changes to the “mouse-over” mode, which is maybe slightly brighter or darker in color, etc. And when you touch the object, it means “click”. That way, the feeling of inconvenience we feel when using the touch screen can be reduced.

My Dream Mac (Macbook Touch? Mac Nano?)

Please check out the latest post “My Dream Mac #2 (Macbook Touch Concept)“.

My Dream Mac #2 (Macbook Touch Concept)

(I updated my dream mac in a later post. See this one, too.)


Now that iPhone and iPod touch are out, “touch panel” is proved to be great by the world. I hope a mobile mac like this will come out. Technically it must be possible for Apple to produce this kind of PDA-cum-laptop. I’ve always wanted to carry a very thin light Mac (not an iPod/iPhone) running OS-X with Wi-Fi and bluetooth. I can give up a DVD drive and USB connection as long as it has bluetooth.

It has a thin lid you can flip open downwards, which can work as a keyboard. It can slide behind the screen when it’s not used.

12 inch might be too large for a touch screen because we use it much more closely to our eyes than a usual screen.

Please make something like this, Apple!

