PAKKUN – Smart Robot for Guest Houses

Smart robotics‘ privately owned IoT robot “PAKKUN” and Yahoo’s IoT platform “myThings Developers” work together to start demonstrating the use of robots in private properties for leasing as guest houses and rooms. With this robot, they aim to improve the convenience of both the host and the guest.

Designing a robot was one of my dreams, and finally I’m really glad that the dream came true. PAKKUN, the robot has unbelievably cute voices and gestures so I tried to make it adorable and friendly.

Press Release

Product design of the ‘smartest’ smart lock robot


The newest smart lock is finally released. I’m honored to have a chance again to design such great products of Photosynth Inc. This time I designed not only the smart lock itself and the door censor, but the brand new NFC reader, which allows your ID card compatible with the NFC to replace your physical door key.






Got Good Design Award 2015!

I got the Good Design Award!

Good Design Award is the Japanese comprehensive design evaluation and commendation system, operated by the Japan Institute of Design Promotion.

Akerun” a smart lock robot I designed for Photosynth Inc. has received the Good Design Award 2015. I really appreciate the people of the company for the opportunity to embody such a great concept into a product. The value of this product, I believe, is not composed only of the superficial design, but of the great combination of the beautiful UX/UI designs of the app that realize a high degree of usability and comfort, polite and friendly customer support, etc. all for the purpose of “the most smooth experience at a door without keys”.

For Akerun, I made the product design of the smart lock as well as the brochures, packages, pamphlets etc. and worked on its branding. Together with the company, we’ll be creating great stuff for many years to come! Also I’m personally thinking of making sooooo exciting stuff (IoT).




この度、私がデザインした株式会社フォトシンス(Photosynth Inc.)のスマートロックロボット「Akerun」がグッドデザイン賞2015を受賞いたしました。受賞にあたっては、筐体デザインの機会を与えていただいた同社の皆様のご協力に非常に感謝しております。このプロダクトの価値は、『鍵を意識しない、最高の開閉体験』を実現すべく社員の方々が結集して作り上げられたものであり、使いやすさや心地よさを実現している素晴らしいアプリのUX/UIデザインや熱心で親切なサポートなどがあってのものだと信じています。

Akerunに関しては筐体だけではなくパッケージ、パンフレットのデザインやブランドを担当させていただきました。今後もプロダクトを中心にいいモノを作り出していきますので、応援お願い致します! 個人的にも超ワクワクするモノ創りを考えています。

Akerun – Smart Lock Robot

Akerun is a smart lock system that enables you to unlock the door when you get close to it (with your smartphone with you) and share the key ‘digitally’ with specific people. Installation is simple; no need to detach the thumb turn.

I made the concept design of Akerun pretty quickly (and the websites, too).

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot

Akerun-smart lock robot
