Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: June 2012

Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
Vincent Van Gogh


2560×1600px | 2560×1440px | 1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440×900px | iPad (w/o calendar)

iPhone (w/o calendar)

For iPad users, let me know if you prefer the resolution for iPad Retina display.

Calendar Desktop Wallpaper: August 2010

Do not quench your inspiration and your imagination; do not become the slave of your model.
Vincent Van Gogh


2560×1440px | 1920×1200px | 1680×1050px | 1440×900px | 1024×768px | iPhone (w/o calendar) 640x960px | iPhone & iPod Touch (w/o calendar) 320x480px