Won reddot design award: best of the best!


I won the red dot award: design concept 2013 and this time it’s ‘best of the best’ prize! The concept itself is the one I posted on this blog a few years ago, but I revised it based on some positive feedback from the readers for more practical use. I really appreciate everyone who helped this to happen. It’s now live on the red dot’s website.

Infographic Coins are a set of coins whose values are easily recognized by anyone. By utilizing shapes of pie graphs, which are widely used around the world by a variety of ages of people, one can instantly figure out how much these infographic coins are worth. One more important aspect of this concept is that by making the empty space in a pie chart, it saves the usage of materials, which is environmentally friendly.

If I have a chance, I want to mention the reason why I chose this kind of non-digital, old fashioned concept this time somewhere.





looking glassMy previous work that won the red dot concept award in 2009

red dot design concept award 2009

red dot design concept award 2009 winner

I can’t believe I won the red dot design concept award for the Looking Glass concept!! (I added some photos of the awarding ceremony on my Flickr.)

First of all, let me thank Radhika Seth (for everything), Mika Ueno and *momoc (for beautiful photos), Takashi Yamada (for first picking up and naming this gadget), Regina Teh (for inviting me for the competition) and my family (for letting me keep doing this crazy hobby).
This is really exciting for me because it’s the first award I won since I became a designer.

I added some new images and fixed a few old ones.

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality
Dragging stuff like a building floor to see its floor map would be useful and fun.

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

future of internet search augmented reality

And here’s the presentation sheet I submitted to the red dot.

future of internet search augmented reality presentation

future of internet search augmented reality presentation

future of internet search augmented reality presentation

I also appreciate all the support I’ve got from the readers and magazine/newspaper editors who wrote articles of this gadget.
I’m planning to attend the award ceremony on November 24th in Singapore, so anyone who happens to be there, please talk to me. I’ll post some photos on my Flickr if I can shoot good ones there. And of course I’ll keep twitting in Singapore, too.