26 thoughts on “Double Layered Transparent Screen

  1. I really like this design. It’s simple, elegant and stands out from all the other boring phones out there.

  2. This actually exists. The company i work for DRS Technologies sells these and has software that uses it. we are still making up apps for it but yeah its pretty neat. we put a touch screen on it too.

  3. Really awesome

    ha, hi im from Mexico and i want to post your work on my blog, and if is possible a little interview.

    if youre interesed send me a mail, leave mi email in the comment

  4. Site crashed as I was uploading comments so please excuse me if this is the second message:

    I love it! When and will it be available…? I would love to look at options in importing to Australia when it is!
    Great work! Absolutely genious!



  5. Beautiful design

    We danish love simplicity and design works best without too many bells and whistles. Hope somebody manages to work around the great task of engineering your phone. It looks awesome 🙂

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  7. I’ve been browsing around your website and your work is absolutely amazing! If you’re looking for engineers to make these ideas a reality, don’t give up! I know I’d be willing to pay almost any amount of money for practical art like this!

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